Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life is way too stressful sometimes..

Lately life has been so overwhelming! My dad just had lower back surgery so I moved home to take care of him while my mom works during the week. So this past week I've had to move all my stuff out of my apartment and move it back to my home in Warrens, I have to drive back and forth to school everyday, and now I am looking for a job closer to Tomah, so life is just getting to be super stressful. I applied in Sparta at the Morrow home so I am really crossing my fingers that I get a job there. Also this morning on my way to school I hit a bunny (which really put me in a bad mood), almost got killed on the interstate about 2 times by semis in the pouring rain, and almost got hit turning left (while I had a green arrow). So yup that pretty much somes up my stressful week so far.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Best blind date everrrrr

The Best Blind Date EVER!

I was waiting in the food court of the Valley View Mall for my blind date. Normally I wouldn’t even think of doing such a thing as a blind date, but I figured it can’t hurt to try! The smell between Hollister and Panda Express was making me sick to my stomach and I was thinking in my head “Please just hurry up so we can walk around!” All of the sudden the ground started to shake like an earthquake, but only ever few seconds like Bigfoot was walking. I looked around impatiently and nervous to see what it could be. To my surprise I looked behind me and their stood a humongous green thing. I was set up on a blind date with the Incredible Hulk. I started to laugh at first thinking this was a joke and I was caught on candid camera or something, but it was very much real. We walked around the mall and got a lot of stares from people but had a blast sticking out of the crowd and being abnoxious. We played hid and go seek and of course I won. I mean how hard is it to find a large giant green dude in the mall? We then played tag in a clothing store and he knocked down most of the racks. Then we had ice cream and talked about life for about an hour. He had told me that if I ever needed a body guard that he would be there for me in a heartbeat. So, I was happy I had gone on this blind date, we decided that we weren’t “meant to be” but that we would stay lifelong friends, and now if anyone messes with me they’ll be getting their butt kicked by the incredible hulk. THE END.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Fall is by far my favorite season! I love the leaves turning, walking and crunching in them once they fall, the nice cool weather and everyone just seems a little more relaxed. I also love thanksgiving, even though my eyes are so much bigger than my stomach and I always seem to eat way more than I should and then feel sick! What's your favorite season?

Monday, September 13, 2010

The saddest day.

I haven't dealt with a lot of deaths in my life but there is one night that I will never forget. It was two days after my birthday last year that I found out my best friends grandmother had past. It was pretty hard on me  because she was like a grandmother to me too. Her family was a second family to me and losing Peg was such a difficult thing for them to cope with. Peg and her daughter Dianne were the only two people in that family who acted like glue to hold them all together. I had spent the night at my friends parents house the night before the wake even though I had a 8 am class in LaCrosse the next morning and would have to wake up early and drive 45 minutes to make it there on time. I had fallen asleep around 10 o'clock at night, I woke up to my friend shaking me. She told me something had happened to Dianne and she was in the hospital but no one told her exactly what had happend. She left to go releive her mother from babysitting her neice so she could go to the hospital. When she left she told me she'd call me and keep me updated. About 2 hours went by and I hadn't heard anything, so I called Carly's mom and asked her what had been going on she answered the phone crying and had told me that Dianne's daughter who had flown in for Pegs funeral had come home that night to find her mother on the kitchen floor not breathing. Carly's mom told me that they couldn't save Dianne, but they tried all they could. I then asked if Carly was there with her and she told me that she was still watching her niece and that I had to go to her right away before she broke the news to her. I can honestly say I have never driven so fast in my life. I made it to where Carly was right as she had gotten off the phone with her mother she stood up when I walked in and collapsed in my arms. We both sat there crying as I held her for about an hour until someone else came to watch her niece so we could go to to the hospital. I have always been there for Carly throughout thick and thin but at this moment I almost didn't know what to do or say to make her feel better which made me feel like such an awful friend. We arrived at the hospital around 2 am Diannes other daughter and her family arrived shortly after. Most of them never got to say goodbye, or tell her how much they loved and respected her. Ever since, I have learned to let my loved ones know that I love them and let the ones who have helped me throughout life know that I am grateful for them.

One person's trash is another person's treasure.

While most people think nursing homes are a sad place, to me working at a nursing home has a lot of benefits. I get the chance to meet amazing people who have gone through more in their lifetime then you or probably I ever will. Also, I get to experience the feeling of being needed and also a sense of accomplishment for doing something good for someone who is in need. To most just by walking into a nursing home gives them an uneasy feeling and to the naked eye looking at the elderly that are in there it may seem as they are unhappy and sick but in all actuality each one of those old farts has an amazing personality and most of them are quite happy with the life they’ve lived and where they are at. Do they wish they were still in their own house taking care of themselves? Oh, without a doubt, but I do my best to make sure that every day I work is an amazing day. I have more happy memories in nursing home settings then sad ones, and I am so grateful for that.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just another day in paradise..

This morning I woke up, my friend and I were supposed to go for a hike on the bluff but for one it was raining and secondly I was way to tired to wake up at 5:30 and go. So I called her and we both were talking to eachother like zombies and then laughed a little when we both admited we didn't want to go today. Then I slept in until 7:30 and had class at 8. Made some coffee, quickly got ready, even though I didn't even want to get out of bed, grabbed an umbrella and headed out the door. Walked to class and now I am here creating my first blog ever. Well thats just another day in paradise for me.